Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Equality in Water

'Muddy water, let stand, becomes clear' - Lao Tzu

When I was watching my cat drinking water while I was holding a glass myself, the realization of Equality within it arose. All life on earth requires water: Animals, plants and humans.We have a problem if, after drinking water we fight each other. We have a problem if there is not guaranteed the Equal access to water for All Life. We have a problem if we don't realize, after the proven fact that All Life needs water, that we are All Equal and One. And we have a problem if we don't live what this realization entails: That we have to honor All Life as this is Who we Really are.

The problem is not the lack of resources - there is enough water for all. Maybe the problem is with money, because where there is money, there is safe water, and were there is no money, there is not.

Now, here a consideration is required: How much water does a human being need? The amount of quality water that a human being requires is defined by the physical body needs and other requirements such as showering and cooking. In being able to define the amount of water that is required for a human being to live in dignity, we can estimate the approximate amount of money that is required for it. If we could convert for a moment all the money that exist into its equivalent in water, we would see a daunting scenario: While the majority of the world population have a bucket or less of water, a select few have brimming dams.

Given the physical reality that there is a limited individual need for water, we can say that the select few of the dams are drowning in a form of psychiatric madness, that the bucket holders are literally slaves and that there are too many more that are dying of thirst. Remember that there is no physical need to it.

I stand up for Life and say: Let the gates of the brimming dams be opened!

Life comes forth when there is water, when there is money! 

The current capitalistic system is allowing this madness, it has to be changed, replaced.

The act of 'opening the doors of brimming dams' has to be manifested through the act of one man one vote, a democratic election of a system that Equally distribute wealth in giving the same amount of money to all human beings from birth until death and at the same time treats all other Life with honor and respect Equally. It is called the Equal Money System.

You can learn how to respect yourself as Life, as that who We Really Are. It is a process. The seed has to be planted and watered. At the Desteni I Process the tools are given along with the instructions and the personalized training required.

Only within the participation of a group of individuals that have Stilled their Water and purified it will the Equal Money System be able to manifest, we WILL manifest it trough democratic means.

Join us, Still your Water with us at the Desteni I Process and withstand the economic storm that is approaching through being able to earn a stable, time-increasing income with it. Learn how.

Desteni I Process

Equal Money System


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